The other night I decided to try and give C couscous (very small almost stick rice)! She loved it! So did her hair, the floor, and her high chair!! Couscous is not a toddler food. It went everywhere. So I thought I would share with you the end result. Needless to say my daughter definatly had to have a bath that night.
Okay so that was a couple of days ago. Well today we (my husband and me) were packing for our big move in (hopefully) a week. We got down everything out of our attic and packed it up. It was a huge chore. While we were doing this, I came across all of C's baby clothes that she has outgrown. Now, I know every mother does this but I took out the little onesis and held them up and felt a pang of sadness. Not that I miss the sleepless nights or the constant feedings, but I do miss the little tiny (non-mobile) baby that I used to cuddle. So I thought I would share just how far we have come.
C Two days old
C Three months old
C 6 months old
C 10 months
C 12 months
C 15 months
It is amazing to me how fast she has grown and how far we have come. In one week we will move out of our house that we became a family in and move into a house that we will hopefully be in when all of the children leave the nest.
Yep, they are growing up so fast. Good luck with the move!